If you have a dream to teach your children the basics of sustainability, you might need to explain sustainability to children in an easy to understand way. The most basic things that children need to learn to do in order to go green are embodied in the reduce, reuse and recycle practice.
Here are some ideas for your children to get started:
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Encourage children to bring food and drinks in reusable containers instead of plastic or carton boxes.
Encourage kids to donate old, unused toys to orphanages children.
Teach children to ask their parents for recycled paper for them to draw on.
Teach to bring in old and unused items from home to turn into art projects.
Recycling is the last step in the process of reducing and reusing. Teach children the importance of recycling by setting up bins in the classroom that they could use. By making the children active participants in an environmentally green practice, they are more likely to remember the lesson.