Revalina S Temat is a beautiful artist whose willingly enters and explores into the forest. This beautiful artist started her career by auditioning for the Cover  Girl of the magazine.


She was born in Jakarta, November 26, 1985, the third child of four siblings from the couple of Sayuti Temat with Malaysian blood and Rachmaniar from Padang, Indonesia. After auditioning for Girl magazine in 1999, Revalina S Temat spread her wings to the modeling world, soap operas, movies, and ad stars.


In 2004, she became known to the public after starring in a soap opera entitled “Bawang Merah Bawang Putih”. The role played by Revalina S Temat made people get carried away with the plot. In 2006, Revalina S Temat began to penetrate the world of cinema. Her first movie was a horror movie but did not achieve success.


In 2009, Revalina S Temat played in a religious film entitled “Women Berkalung Sorban”. In this film, Revalina got two awards at once, the first award was obtained from IMA (Indonesian Movie Awards) as the 2009 favorite actress and the second award was obtained from FFI (Indonesian Film Festival) as a commendable actress.


After her name becomes more famous in the world of Indonesian cinema, Revalina S Temat plays a collaborative film of Indonesia and Korea entitled “Saranghae, I Love You”. The main opponent in this movie is Korean singer named Tim Hwang.


This beautiful woman had a relationship with one member of the Cendana Family named Panji Trihatmodjo. The handsome man who was able to conquer the heart of Revalina is the grandson of Suharto, the former second President of Indonesia.


Revalina’s relationship with the grandson of former President RI did not last long and she re-established a relationship with Indonesian actor Ringgo Agus Rahman but also broke up. Finally, Revalina dating guy named Rendy Aditya and immediately decided to get married.


Revalina S Temat is famous for her care to the environment. AAM Organization (Ali Masykur Musa) invites Revalina to distribute plants around Bundara HI. Her willingness to help made AMM Organization (Ali Masykur Musa) asked her to become Environment Ambassador. She even doesn’t mind to go directly to the forest if it needs by the AMM Organization (Ali Masykur Musa).


Revalina S Temat gets so many positive impacts during joining the  AMM organization. She also strongly hopes that many other artists follow in her footsteps by caring for the environment through any organization. Revalina S Temat love to the environment, preserving nature and her action down the streets by distributing trees should get a thumbs up from all of us.


Revalina S Temat Revalina S Temat Revalina S Temat

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