The beautiful Sinem Celik is one of the people who support sustainable fashion in Turkey. She is the owner of BluProjects, a consulting firm based in Istanbul that connects companies and people who want cleaner denim and wise resources. The good design for her is the key.
As we know, from all industrial output, denim is definitely the most popular type of fashion. Denim surprisingly leads today’s sustainable fashion industry. When we look at the entire supply chain in the denim industry, there is no doubt that we are witnessing a continuing revolution in the direction. Environmentally friendly yarn alternatives, indigo processes and manufacturing processes that have a low impact on environmental damage help set new standards without reducing the aesthetics of the final product.
Sinem Celik and the innovation of the Denim Design
While brand owners are trying to match the needs of consumers who are very aware of the future of the earth, continuous innovation has become a major discussion. Efforts from all levels of the supply chain are also quite promising. However, one major problem is still overlooked, namely sustainable design. Design is the starting point of all products around us. Design make our daily lives easy, but they also shape the process behind the products we use, the materials and energy needed to make them, and what happens to those clothes when we no longer need them.
Big brands are looking for ways to reduce their impact and focus actively on new retail models, from rentals to digital collections. However, the impact of the design cycle itself has not been addressed. Garbage, which is one of the main factors in the sustainability agenda, is usually considered from the perspective of the consumer.
It is true that 65% of all textile products end up in landfills every year. However, what about the waste generated by the design and product development cycle of the supply chain each season? Consider the number of factories, garment manufacturers and brands in this competitive world, and imagine the volume of pre-consumer waste produced. With fashion, cycles becoming faster and the market that pushing, the challenge is to adopt the philosophy of “less is more.”
As the industry becomes more goals oriented, sustainable design will be as important as the final product. Life after each new design must be carefully studied, and material and process decisions must be made carefully on environmental criteria.
With the need for a new design and the fact that the fashion industry is moving away from traditional designs, training of future designers is also important. Fashion design education is not currently oriented towards sustainability. However, there are more fashion schools feel responsible for putting environmental design at the core of their teaching.
It is very promising that fashion design for sustainability is becoming well recognized by universities and businesses, and more importantly, by students and newcomers to the industry.
BluProjects from Sinem Celik
While a design model without waste becomes a new standard, it’s no wonder we see a tendency to focus on nature. Biomimicry, which is an approach in design and engineering systems, examines models in nature and imitates or draws inspiration from these designs to provide solutions to people’s problems. In the fashion industry, there is a growing group of clothing designers and manufacturers who are now turning to nature to help develop attentive clothing. So, in the end, this beautiful nature has become a source of inspiration. It all starts with one single decision; let’s use the power of product design for something better. Sinem Celik with its blu project helped create a more earth-friendly fashion.