Five vegetarian restaurants in Lombok based on our opinion that you must visit. This place is recommended for vegetarians and vegans. A vegetarian restaurant can be interpreted as a place or building that provides food and drink made from vegetables and fruits for its guests.

In addition to nutritious for health, consuming vegetables are useful for skin beauty and very helpful to lose weight to keep it ideal.

There are more people are turning to vegetarian and the presence of vegetarian restaurants is also more in various cities in the territory of Indonesia. Here are five best vegetarian restaurants in Lombok based on our opinion.


  1. Yogi Bar

Yogi Bar is located in Kuta Beach, Pujut, Central Lombok. Most people think Kuta Beach is only in Bali but Lombok also has a beach called Kuta Beach. The beach is also beautiful just like Kuta Beach, Bali.

There is also a restaurant located on the coast with a simple and relaxed feel. The food menu available at this restaurant is French, European, seafood, vegan and vegetarian.

Although there are several menus of processed meat, vegetarian food especially the most recommended in this restaurant is a salad. The vegetables are fresh and taste good. In addition, the taste of French cuisine in this restaurant is very similar to the original French cuisine. Restaurant owners and employees will be graciously welcomed when you visit this Yogi Bar.

yogi bar

Yogi Bar


  1. Jali Kitchen

Jali Kitchen is located on Nautilus Street, Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. This restaurant is located in Jali Resort, so this place is highly recommended for hotel guests who want to eat lunch or dinner.

This restaurant includes an eco-friendly restaurant because almost all furniture such as chairs and tables is made of wood and some are also taken from recycled wood. In the corner of the restaurant, there is a swimming pool with an elongated shape, on the edge of the pool neatly lined frangipani trees, making the restaurant becomes more shady and comfortable.

When compared with Yogi Bar, this restaurant looks more luxurious and the menu offered is also different. This restaurant provides Asian food such as Indonesian, Thai, Vietnamese, Malaysian, vegan and vegetarian dishes.

jali kitchen

Jali Kitchen


  1. Santi Lounge Restaurant and Bar

Santi Lounge is located at Jalan Pondok Santi Estate, Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. The restaurant is just a minute to the Gili Trawangan Beach. There are also bungalows in tropical style with wood and bamboo around the restaurant.

The vibes at Santi Lounge feels serenity because this restaurant is in a vast field that is still mostly overgrown with trees, especially coconut trees. Santi Lounge provides various menus including international cuisine, European, Indonesian, seafood, fusion, vegan and vegetarian. The ingredients that are processed to make food and drink are organic vegetables and fruits grown organically.

In this place, the visitors can enjoy the food while enjoying a massage by the therapist. Free wifi is also available throughout the area from Pondok Santi Estate. After enjoying the food and massage, you can also relax while sunbathing on the beach.

Santi Lounge Restaurant and Bar

Santi Lounge Restaurant and Bar


  1. Casa Vintage Beach

Casa Vintage Beach is located on Sunset Side, Front Road, Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. This restaurant is on the beach. There was no barrier from one table to the other, only a view from the sea. Chairs and tables are also made of renewed timber.

The restaurant serves Caribbean, Jamaican, vegan and vegetarian food. The restaurant is vintage style and blends with nature, visitors come to enjoy the food while enjoying the beautiful Gili Trawangan Beach.

Casa Vintage Beach

Casa Vintage Beach


  1. Warung Sunny

Warung Sunny is located in Sunny Way, Lombok West Nusa Tenggara. This restaurant is on the coast side of Gili Air. The building is a restaurant and all the furniture is made of bamboo. Some kitchen appliances are also made of wood and bamboo, such as plates, glasses and also bamboo straws.

Although the building looks simple, the taste of the food served is not less delicious with food from the five-star restaurant. The menu presented here is an Asian, Indonesian, vegan and vegetarian menu.

The proliferation of vegetarian restaurants in Indonesia especially in Lombok is a good step for the community to start a healthy life that starts from the food consumed. Five vegetarian restaurants in Lombok serves a variety of vegetarian food and beverage menu that is not only healthy but good for our bodies.

Warung Sunny

Warung Sunny


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