What is eco fashion?
The definition of eco fashion is a focus on clothing that takes into account not only our environment but the health of the consumers who will be wearing the clothes. In addition, its related to working conditions of the people who are involved with making the clothes.
More specifically, eco-fashion includes clothes that are made from:
Recycled textiles, including creative use of materials such as recycled plastic.
Raw materials such as cotton grown without the use of pesticides or silk made from worms raised on organic vegetation.
Those clothes are designed to be more durable so they can last longer and made without the use of certain harmful chemicals, bleaches or dyes. They are incorporated with some human rights elements especially how workers who make the clothing are treated.
The hype of eco fashion industry
Used to be that eco fashion was perceived as practical, yet dull and boring. They are characterized by scratchy and shapeless designs and unattractive fabric. Eco-fashion is now perceived as a hot, rising trend, thanks to the creative vision of up-and-coming designers,
Eco fashion is not a novel concept that you don’t want to be seen in when you head out on the town. Eco fashion is a fashionable way to express yourself.