Madewell fashion brand launches Madewell jeans clothing made from environmentally friendly materials. This type is the latest brand that is done to get more sustainable denim. Like many denim collections that are made on an ongoing basis, these jeans are made with organic cotton, non-GMO, and free of chemicals. Unlike some other collections, these jeans are continually dyed using fiber from shrimp skin. Along with the development of eco-friendly fashion trends, Madewell is one of the brands that is driven to innovate to create jeans that are fashionable and of course environmentally friendly.


History of Madewell Jeans Clothing

Madewell, which is a jeans clothing company, has been established since 1937. The ongoing process of denim for Madewell began at the Candiani factory, a small town located outside Milan, Italy. The seriousness in this case is proven by launching a collection of jeans that use dyes from shrimp skin. This is a big change in its flagship jeans with environmentally friendly denim coloring using a product called Kitotex®, which uses the crustacean exoskeleton as a way to reduce water and materials chemical in the coloring process.

Kitotex is made with byproducts from the food industry, which are discarded shrimp and lobster shells. The exoskeleton contains chitosan, a fiber that helps tie dyes to the fabric and removes some chemicals that are traditionally used.

Furthermore chitosan is extracted and converted into Kitotex and when applied to cotton can reduce water consumption by 12 times and energy consumption up to 90 percent. This also means less chemicals must be used in the coloring and finishing process for the cotton.


Madewell Jeans Clothes Use Unique Colors

Generally, denim uses chemical dyes to get blue in jeans clothing but these dyes are harmful to the environment. Not wanting to do things that are increasingly damaging to the environment, Madewell uses fiber from shrimp skin to get a classic blue color but remains free of chemical poisons. The fiber from the shrimp skin is then given the name “Chitosan.”

Thus, denim clothing that they produce only requires 65 percent less chemicals and uses 75 percent less water than the average fabric requires. The sustainability efforts of this are worth emulating. They not only make a collection of environmentally friendly jeans even in their production process practices they prioritize renewable energy. The waste produced in making clothes is converted into bricks which can eventually be used to make housing at affordable prices.

For now, the collection of jeans from unique ingredients from shrimp skin can only be ordered online and is available for a certain period of time. The eco-friendly jeans launched by Madewell are part of the autumn 2018 collection. The collection consists of six styles
– 9 inch high rise Skinny Jeans at Regina Wash: Eco edition
-10 inch High-rise Skinny High-rise Jeans at Elinor Wash: Eco Edition
– Boylean high rise: Eco Edition
– Cali Demi-Boot Jeans: Eco Edition
– Skinny Overall: Eco Edition
-The Shrunken Stretch Jean Jacket: Eco Edition
The long-term plan of Madewell jeans clothing is that they will continue to play a role and make changes that are environmentally friendly.


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