David Ross Brower, an American who was born in Berkeley, California. He was born on July 1, 1912 and died on November 5, 2000. David Brower was a founder of many environmental and prominent environmental activist organizations.


One organization he built includes Friends of the Earth in 1969,  the John Muir Institute for Environmental Studies, the Earth Island Institute in the year, the League of Conservation Voters, and the North Cascades Conservation Council.


In 1913, David Brower married a beautiful woman named Anne Hus Brower. They have known each other when they both worked as editors at the University of California Press at Berkeley. Anne is the daughter of Francis L M. Hus and Frances Hus while Frances is the daughter of John P. Irish.


The son of David Brower, Kenneth Brower wrote a number of books, notably The Starship and the Canoe about Freeman. For 17 years from 1952 to 1969, David Brower served as the first Executive Director of the Sierra Club. He also served on the council for three times from 1941-1953; 1983-1988; and 1995-2000.


David Brower and his Passion for Climbing the Mountains

When he was young he had a hobby of climbing mountains. Brower began his career as a world-class mountaineer with more than 70 climbs. Brower was attracted to the environmental movement starting from his interest in climbing the mountain.


In 1933, Brower spent seven weeks in High Sierra with George Rockwood. The hobby of climbing the mountain finally made him meet Norman Clyde in the desert, who gave him valuable climbing lessons.


During the trip, he also met Hervey Voge, who persuaded him to join the Sierra Club. Overall, he climbed 63 peaks on this trip, including the first 32 climbs. In the Palisades range, the pair climbed the Thunderbolt Peak, passing the North Palisade track by Starlight Peak, and descended to U-Notch Couloir. On the Sawtooth Range, they climbed The Doodad, West Tooth, and Matterhorn Peak


David Brower and the Founder of Friends of the Earth

Brower founded Friends of the Earth (FOE) in 1969, shortly after resigning as executive director of the Sierra Club. The move came when the high level of public concern for the environment produced by the first Earth Day in April 1970.


John McPhee was also helping the FOE become more famous, later published as Encounters with Archdruid, which tells the Brower Confrontation with geologists and mining engineers, resort developers, and Floyd Dominy, director of the Bureau of Reclamation. Brower was very happy because he was called Archdruid and he later used the term in his e-mail address.


FOE established its headquarters in San Francisco and open another one in Washington, DC. Rower immediately separated the two new organizations from FOE Washington staff: the Conservation Voters League in 1970 and the Center for Environmental Policy in 1971.


A monument, Spaceship Earth, was established in his honor at Kennesaw State University. The purpose of David Brower monument so this monument can serve as a permanent reminder for future generations of how delicate the planet earth we live in.


david brower david brower david brower david brower david brower david brower

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