This design inspired by this symbol.
The Chinese Prosperity Symbol Lu is a symbol of prosperity, rank, and influence.
Lu actually meant the salary of a government official. Together with Fu and Shou it comprises the three celestial stars in the heaven: Fu (luck), Lu (wealth) and Shou (longevity). Setting the symbol in a circle supposedly increases its effectiveness because the circle represents a coin and a coin is wealth.
#prosperity #lu #luckycharms #kalungfashion #kalunghorn #bestfriendgift #kadoulangtahun #perhiasan #kadosahabat
#kalungtanduk #kalungmewah #kalungtandukjakarta #kalungtandukbali #kalungtulang #kalungunik #kalungcantik #kalung #style #kalungimport
#sarahbeekmans #sarahbeekmanslookbook #tanduk #kalungtulang #fashionista #kalungbali #ecofriendly #ramahlingkungan #alami #perhiasantanduk