Hanbok design
Beautiful design of hanbok from Korea as one of our inspiration.
Our contact details
If you have any inquiries please contact our customer care team. In addition, we have "after-sales service" for the horn jewelry that you have purchased from us. Please ask for more details to our customer care team
Eco Timeless Luxuries
We want to have our clients know that the jewelry they are purchasing is part of so much more than just a piece of jewelry. The piece of jewelry has been crafted with love and attention to detail while also supporting Eco-friendly movement by using only recycled...
Jane Goodall
Jane Goodall is best known for her over 55-year study of social and family interactions of wild chimpanzees since she first went to Gombe Stream National Park, Tanzania in 1960. She has served on the board of the Nonhuman Rights Project since its founding in 1996. In...
Inspired by Nature
What a beautiful ibu Mayang Putri. These design was inspired by the elusive okapi which is a mysterious and secretive mammal that is nearly impossible to observe in the wild. Commonly mistaken as a hybrid between 2 or 3 animals, the okapi is its very own distinct...
Eco Timeless Luxuries
We want to have our clients know that the jewelry they are purchasing is part of so much more than just a piece of jewelry. The piece of jewelry has been crafted with love and attention to detail while also supporting the Eco-friendly movement by using only recycled...
Be part of our green movement
All our jewelry items are made out of leftover buffalo and cow horn material from the food industry. In Sarah Beekmans, we are focusing on Upcycling or creative reuse all these horn materials. We are transforming these by-products and waste materials into new products...
Happy Monday
Monday is a hard day only for those, who perceive it negatively. Try to think positively and don’t let unhappiness and sadness be related to Monday. Share your enthusiasm, hope and good expectations with others and we wish you a happy Monday. Warmest regards,
Eco Timeless Luxuries
We want to have our clients know that the jewelry they are purchasing is part of so much more than just a piece of jewelry. The piece of jewelry has been crafted with love and attention to detail while also supporting Eco-friendly movement by using only recycled...
Eco Timeless Luxuries
We want to have our clients know that the jewelry they are purchasing is part of so much more than just a piece of jewelry. The piece of jewelry has been crafted with love and attention to detail while also supporting Eco-friendly movement by using only recycled...